Welcome to my webpage.
I am an Assistant Professor of Comparative and South Asian Politics at Boston College. I received my Ph.D. in Government at Cornell University in 2018. During the academic year 2018-2019, I was a Lecturer in Contemporary India at King’s College London.
My research investigates the impact of institutional change in the field of poverty alleviation on the strategies pursued by political parties in rural India. In my dissertation, I focused specifically on the Right to Work Legislation that has been enforced in India since 2005, and its translation into public policy, the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme or NREGS. My field work has led me to explore the distortions to policy implementation, and what these distortions tell us about the way political entrepreneurs attempt to capture public resources for political benefit.
My broader research interests include the political economy of development, institutions, political parties, ethnicity and the politics of foreign aid. My research has been published in World Development.
My Ph.D. research has been supported by the National Science Foundation, the Graduate School and the Government Department at Cornell University. I also have experience working in post-conflict and post-disaster environments, with a focus on political transitions.
My hobbies include vintage French automobiles and vintage motorbikes. I am the proud owner of a 1954′ 4CV Renault as well as a 1981′ Royal Enfield ‘Bullet’ 350 cc.
On this page, you may find my CV; information about my research, including working papers; syllabi for courses I have been either Teaching Assistant or Instructor for and information on my experience as a development professional. You may schedule an appointment with me at: https://calendly.com/thibaud-marcesse
Comments and questions are welcome!
Contact Info
Boston College Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences Department of Political Science Carney Hall 221 marcesse[dot]bc[dot]edu